Saturday, April 25, 2015

Promoting Vegan


Once I've established a vegan lifestyle, when it's all in place then I'll want to get political - I’ll be urgent to speed things up on the Animal Rights front.  I'll want to start a small revolution in my corner of the world.  I’ve gone from a wannabe-vegan to wannabe-vegan-warrior.  Now I’m ready to take on the world.  And yet, this isn’t reality, is it?  Or is it?
However passionate we are, we should bear in mind we aren’t seasoned politicians with a tough exterior, ready to rip into adversaries.  We’re just ordinary people talking to other ordinary people.  And our ‘adversaries’, who are they?  They’re probably sensitive, free-willed beings, who will decide things for themselves, no matter what we say or how forcibly we say it.  Once we start actively advocating Animal Rights, it’s hard for us not to get pushy about it.  It's easy for us to forget that people can simply walk away from us.
However good we think our ‘vegan’ idea is, the whole non-violence approach, etc., it can’t be forced onto people.  Any of our uninvited contributions will seem like intrusions, which might even look like an attack, especially when we snidely ask, “You don’t still eat meat?”

However passionately we feel about our views, if they are ‘fired’ at people, they'll sense discomfort.  They'll be put off, even swear off the idea for ever.  And no one wants that.

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