Monday, October 6, 2014

Harm an animal? Are you mad?


Most of us associate our happiest memories of childhood spent in the company of animals - being with them can be exquisitely satisfying.

Whether they’re pets or wild or living on farms, we might have known them, fed them, cared for them, helped them in trouble.  And that’s how it still is, at least amongst some vegans.

Advocating for ten billion captives, in our capacity as slave-liberators or rescuers, most of us are doing what we can - for animals.  We expect no thanks from them.  If I do ‘do’ for them, I’ll get no more than a friendly dog-nuzzle, and substantially less from the cat!  These noble entities are beyond the confines of  good manners. It’s up to us to understand their language. And it’s more vibratory than vocal.  And it isn’t morally proscribed. So, we don’t value animals for their manners but for (radiating) something else we find invaluable. What do they give back? (and don’t say ‘love’).

Perhaps animals transmit something which isn’t easy to describe, but whatever it is, that same ‘something’ is transmitted by us too.

If I do something fine, I don’t need to make a song and dance about it.  It’s the stuff of life, or put another way, it is the altruist and ‘altruee’ being involved with each other.  The beloved is being loved, the giver approaches the receiver, the active connects with the passive - it’s a sort of momentary symbiosis.  It lets us be as close as we need to be, even just momentarily, for the purpose in hand.

At best, there’s a moment of harmony between myself and another living entity.  There’s nothing to discuss with them - it’s all been said in a micro-moment.  So, my point is that we don’t need to understand each other to be able to communicate.  We don’t need to comprehend animals. We just need to interact with them ... in a symbiotic way.

At any moment, there can be a partnering, them with us and we with them.  And at that moment, there’s that point of contact, where ‘something’ is reached. It might be a moment in the actual presence of an animal. It might be a moment when we’re simply thinking of them, empathetically

If there’s a possibility of human-connection-with-animal, then there’s no possible reason or excuse to harm them.

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