Sunday, October 19, 2014

Farm animals


A farm animal, and the peaceful cow in particular, is a victim of many abuses carried out behind the scenes.  I’ve seen what goes on, and can see till I’m blue in the face, but I’m helpless to intervene.  It’s not much different to a child watching Mum being raped, and being too small to stop it.  Only to feel concern.

My concern and your concern is all we have.  This is a world set against animals (and of course lots of other things).  Our concern is our only powerhouse.  Distress and hatred, anger and judgement won’t help us, and they certainly won’t help any locked up animals.  They are simply regarded as the property of their ‘owners’, who are allowed to do with them as they please.

Humans are naturally empathetic, but empathy gets diverted from helpless-animal to the more human-centred concerns.  The environment, climate, pollution, planet itself, anything but the ‘dumb creatures’ who’re banged up by the billion, on farms.

My concern wants to be syphoned off into world-peace and world-hunger issues - issues not unworthy of our concern.  And concern there might be, aplenty.  We can afford an abundance of it, because these issues aren’t touching our lives quite so immediately or directly.  They’re not greatly affecting our own lives.  Whereas us all doing at least four-times-a-day feeding, we face the animal thing.  And it’s too close for comfort. It’s so close to our food habits, which is why ‘animal matters’ are binned.   We strive to keep them hidden from our concerned minds.  For fear of certain stories, about animal exploitation, affecting our minds.  The real concern here is for ME.  It’s ME who reflects badly on those stories. Each one of us who spends any money whatsoever, buying the very products which help to keep cows in prison, each of us is in some way financing the ‘animal prison’.  And we do NOT want to know that. We collectively put our heads in the sand, saying, ‘Animals’ are just too messy to think about.
The bottom line is that all animals live in the most appalling conditions, and they all face a grisly death.  And we, the consumer, have effectively hired the killers, since none of us have the guts to do the deed ourselves.

An animal’s destiny is so preordained by the human, their fate so inevitable, that for them there’s no salvation.  I just hope they don’t premeditate what’s coming their way, soon.   

Humans who eat animals think they can get away with it.  But at the abattoir, it’s likely the adrenalin rushing through an animal’s body, during their greatest point of terror, saturates into the animal’s body tissue.  It makes their flesh toxic, and those who eat it ending up poisoned by it.  It’s not unlikely that most of our worst illnesses are linked to ingesting so much of this chemical in our food, which has so frighteningly weakened our immune systems.  And so the worm turns: if we hurt them, they have a way of damaging us.  If we kill them, they kill us.  That’s justice for you!

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