Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Our advice may not be appreciated


As a species we’ve thrived on meat eating – we say, “Look at us now. We wouldn’t be who we are unless our ancestors had eaten meat.”
We think we’ve advanced, that we are so much more superior to animals, and that gives us the right to use them and benefit ourselves from eating them.
Vegans find that ultimately frightening but as carefully as we try to convince others how misguided this is, we may not succeed if we can’t get past the value judgement behind our words.
All the time we maintain this sort of judgemental approach we never even get close to dislodging the illogicality behind animal exploitation. As free-willed adults each of us has the right not to be swayed by value judgements. If we vegans want to change people’s views, all we can do is to tell our story without the moral having to be spelled out. To show that there’s something better in life than chasing second-rate, pleasure-inducing food treats, we need merely appear happy to be setting an example as ‘humane’ humans. There’s great pleasure to be had in living for the greater good, and very little pleasure to be found condemning the behaviour of others. 

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