Sunday, March 3, 2013

One person’s meat is another person’s poison


Attitude change can’t come soon enough for vegans. We wait impatiently for our fellow humans to feel compassion for ‘food animals’. For animal-eaters of course, vegans and our ideas can’t disappear fast enough, we being a royal pain in the arse.
For us though, we want a chance to say something. Not to lecture but talk about another type of cuisine. For traditionalists they want to talk about their own ‘latest cuisine’. Both want to talk about their favourite foods, but in different ways.
Why is it so hard for us to discuss this particular subject? I say everyone should recognise that animals have rights: my opposite half says they have a right to NOT change, if they don’t want to. These positions might seem unmoveable but each of us will benefit from learning why the other thinks the way they do. Each of us can listen without having to change our own position.
Every time I do listen to the reasoning behind the opposite view I learn something valuable. It doesn’t change the way I feel but it lets me appreciate better why other people don’t agree with me. And I think my listening to them helps them listen to me. It’s a two way street.

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