Tuesday, January 29, 2013



Optimism becomes more of a reality when you think of work as something pleasurable - the whole task of trying to change vast numbers of people’s minds isn’t so much about its ‘impossibility’ as its challenge. We just don’t need the lead-weight mind-set of inevitable failure; we certainly can’t afford to fail before we’ve started.
It helps for us to remember just what has to happen, the sequence of things, and how it was for us when each barrier fell only to expose the next one, which in turn falls to the next, and so on. The struggle makes it all the more satisfying when change happens.
            Here we are, moving from a basically, fairly selfish life (human-centred) to another type of life, with a different perspective, doing something for ourselves as that merges with ‘doing something for others’. ‘Work’ doesn’t have to be boring or driven by reluctant effort if there’s a purpose behind it. Why should the odds against us have to be a problem? As long as we’re going in a consistent direction, day by day, that pulse is enough to hold our interest and prevent us giving up.

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