Monday, April 23, 2012

Good manners!

Just suppose I’ve been asked a question - why am I vegan? I wonder to myself why the question has been asked. Maybe the other person is genuinely interested but just as likely they are ‘showing an interest’ out of good manners. NOT because they’re ‘fascinated to know’ but to show me I’m not disrespected by them.
When I’m not sure who I’m talking with (on this oh-so-sensitive matter) it’s not until I actually start talking that I can sense why they asked, and therefore know at what level I should be ‘pitching’ my words.
Soon after they respond. They might heckle, put in a quick dig at me, even bring on a full scale moral punch-up. And I have to ask myself why would an omnivore want to discuss ‘veganism’ with a vegan? It’s such a central question for vegans and a frequent situation I find myself in.
Sometimes it’s a genuine question, as if they’re giving me the all-clear to answer. Then I look back at myself - I ask why am I so keen to talk - perhaps this is another valuable rehearsal opportunity, to practise my ‘pitch’ - to see if I can deliver my argument without upsetting anyone. I find myself experimenting, testing the waters or taking risks to see if they snap. Perhaps I want to get to the point where I’m saying “Take it or leave it”. But in my heart of hearts I’m also feeling very grateful that this good person has shown an interest, given me the chance to say something, allowed themself to be used as a punch bag.

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