Monday, April 16, 2012

Being ‘right’


For vegans, we have such cast iron arguments that I find it difficult to believe that we don’t have some sort of magical powers. Certainly our arguments are powerful but, hey, maybe not magic. However, that’s our job - to bring the issues into focus, bring them to life and bring this whole hidden-away subject out into the open.
To omnivores who, food-wise, are generally animal-addicted, our arguments don’t sound at all magical. To most of them we are a nuisance. Omnivores build cast iron barricades to guard themselves from people like us. To vegans, we know omnivore logic is faulty but the trap for us, with our better arguments, is that we exude feelings of being ‘right’. It’s our smugness that puts people off. When we give off that air of “look at me, at how terrific I am, how healthy, guiltless … etc”, nothing’s more unattractive than this. It’s what they call here in Australia “big-noting oneself”. I know I do it, I put others ‘off’ in this way … and ultimately screw things for the Animal Rights Movement.
Vegans, like me, have to control our passions and make sure we don’t give off the wrong signals, as if we don’t care what others think of us, as if we’re willing to forfeit friendliness for the sake of making a point.
The safest style of approach for me is to think court jester; think of the jester’s style which is always respectful, always affectionate but always stirring.

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