Tuesday, March 20, 2012

The end is profit


Ending animal farming. It won’t come about over night but it will happen if the public has the guts to stand up for non-violence. Until that happens farmers are going to feel fairly safe, with a steady market demand and with promises of protection-from-prosecution for their cruelty to animals.
Knowing that ‘what you do’ is safe from prosecution and therefore a safe way to generate money helps people do things they shouldn’t. Animal farming has now, more than ever before, become a cruel practice. It is now bigger and grubbier than ever, but it’s still in the business of feeding the population. Its husbandry practices are overlooked out of ignorance or excused as being ‘part of tradition’. The blind spot people still have about cruelty is that it isn’t wanton or sadistic but essential to the cost-cutting that fends off competition. And that means food is home-grown and capable of being sold to us at a low price ... and that’s the justification.

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