Sunday, June 20, 2010

Thinking about ‘going vegan’

As vegans we pass on information to help people delve deeper into some of the more interesting matters of life. In this information dissemination process vegans are looking for keys to communication. We know what we want to say but we probably don’t yet understand how to say it.
The aim surely is to stir, to question, to make others a little troubled and then persuade them to go for broke. And the aim surely is to have a good time stirring and interacting with people and being sometimes on the very edge of risk. But the overall aim is to get the balance just right.
For omnivores, something happens in their contemplation zone when we speak ‘vegan’. They’re hearing things, noticing things, computing “What would it mean for ‘me’, to change, to be in line with ‘this idea’ ”? Specifically, “What would it feel like?”
Contemplating going vegan ranges from revulsion to positive inspiration. If it’s somewhere in the middle and we’ve gotten to that point - of considering it, facing it, finding out what this whole business is going on about, then what?
Perhaps that’s the critical point where we decide to go on and move back. That’s when a bit of instinct comes in handy, when we decide to ‘instinctivise’, to de-intellectualise our situation, to let go of our brains for just long enough to hear the almost-hidden reasoning behind our decision. It might be like quietening the din on the brain for long enough to hear a gentle roar in the background, coming from the heart region, strongly advising us to make ‘that particular change’.

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