Thursday, June 3, 2010

People behaving badly

Monday 30th May 2010

We set up an attitude along the lines of “what we sow, we reap”. We create our own reality absolutely, according to one wisdom. We bring down upon our heads either disaster or bliss or variations of each, We want to come down on the ‘bliss’ side but we ignore the warning signs and land up in a mess. I like to think superstition moderates our behaviour more than good sense. And on this matter of taking advantage, if we are careless of the ethics of what we do, we risk things unnecessarily. Superstition sees the pitfalls and lets us respond in the best way, therefore you could say it keep us honest. If we’re careless of an idea which makes us a profit but doesn’t feel right, superstition taps us on the shoulder. Perhaps superstition is merely instinct, but with a warning bell fitted to it. A nasty attitude brings bad luck, we all know that! Superstitiously ‘good luck’ flows towards people who are trying to clean up their act. Sense doesn’t necessarily come into it. Superstition helps us to feel badly about behaving badly.

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