Monday, May 17, 2010

Stirring things up

Saturday 15th May 2010

If vegan food seems grim then vegans must show it not to be so. Prepare it, cook it and discover ways to wow them with it ... but that's another story. In the meantime we should find ways to restore the balance by being kind. Animal Rights must start with kindness and a certain sense of kin-ness too. We are deling with animals and people and our approach to both should be warm and instructive, but that's not to say we shouldn't be bold and challenging at the same time. Perhaps there's room for some old fashioned unkindness but just to stir things up, just to get people thinking about the absurdity of what they do and the misunderstandings they have about why vegetarians are vegetarian.

As vegetarians we may be seen as always talking about food or only interested in having a nice body but there are deeper reasons for being as we are. We're concerned about animal slavery. And to see what that really means we might have to make it clear that humans have let things get badly out of hand and in the process put their own health at risk, by helping to ensalve animals and by eating them.

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