Monday, May 17, 2010


Friday 14th May 2010
By being vegan we are, to some extent, in a state of food control. We're energised by our foods and better able to think eating this sort of lighter brain food. And this is as good a basis for repair as any. We may be saving forests or saving starving children or saving exploited creatures but the initial emphasis is always on repair. We can't start any new intitiative withough first repairing the damage already done or the damage we ourselves are doing. In the business of saving animals we have to be vegan at the very least. From there effective repair is possible ... but 'repair' sounds like such dull and unrewarding business. But perhaps we have to take the attitude that repair is the new creative. Unless we are making repair in our attitude concerning the use of animals, other damaging habits can never be mended

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