Monday, May 3, 2010

Saturday 1st May
New information leading to our “GOING VEGAN” means learning where to get our protein, vitamin B12, tasty burgers, chocolate, etc. These ‘start-up’ tips make things go safely and smoothly. The deeper we get into ethical veganism the more urgent it is that our little cravings don’t haunt us, we make things comfortable for ourselves, then it’s all the quicker we’ll be able to drop our old misinformed beliefs, in the healthiness of meat and dairy products.
These days we are awash with information. Young people are adept at going to the Net and sifting out useful stuff. In fact it’s the ease with which we can access information these days that allows us so painlessly to take up new ideas, and run with them. It’s like being given a fuelled-up Ferrari with a set of keys – straight away as you start the engine you get the feeling that it ‘works’.
Now, if we’re just given the raw materials from which to build the car from scratch, the car would probably never happen. Information, as workable as our Ferrari, lets us move fast, so fast we can escape, escape the attitudinal traps. Let’s not forget the experimental victims we’ve been, dosed with misinformation to make us move slowly. Today’s information blasts its way through the sludge so that we can pursue new attitudes in the virtual realm. Via our computer we can see what’s ‘out there’, and see if any of it works. And if so put it into practice.

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