Monday, January 4, 2010

It’s only animals

How did the ‘1%’ers’ ever get so much power? It comes from knowing their customers and by their own unconcern about being wicked? They are far too wicked to worry about it.
Their plan has almost worked. They’ve constructed a maze to keep their ‘clients’ trapped, or in shopping parlance, they stop their customers leaving the store without all the essential animal products in their shopping trolley.
1%’ers operate on a set of values (to do with the exploitation of resources) which most of us could never accept. We take what they give us and by our buying, do what they tell us. We don’t fully realise how dangerous our shopping habits are, since we are their playthings - they’ll do whatever it takes to keep their advantage. They’ll do things based on conserving what they have. They’ll always act within the law. They always protect themselves by never seeming to be directly accountable for what’s being done. They don’t usually act openly against the interests of humans. They wouldn’t draw attention to themselves that way. But for all their stealth and careful image-making, they know their customers don’t really care to know too much. They know they won’t notice or even care about what’s being done to “non-humans”, as long as they keep the good times rolling.

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