Tuesday, January 5, 2010

The animals’ revenge

Many 1%’ers are involved in exploitative ventures. They represent the political corporations. They aren’t fussy about which “natural resources” they exploit. And succeed they must in the face of fierce competition. What today’s shareholders in the animal food and clothing industries get up to, is the modern day equivalent of rape and pillage. Business-wise 1%’ers attempt to monopolise their market, sending competitors broke if they can. They conserve their assets, expand at every opportunity and play every dirty trick in the book to keep their advantage … in that way they keep their accounts full and their customers compliant.
They produce: we consume – and we’re especially all-consuming when it comes to food. We buy items that are, to some extent, addictive. Our addiction to our favourite ‘animal’ foods (or other animal products we “can’t live without”) is in part The Animals’ Revenge. It may be that the stolen body parts of animals effect a creeping deterioration in our metabolism. If we ingest them, we pay … in more ways than one!
Animal foods are profitable to the exploiters but just as certainly not profitable to the humans who consume them. They, along with the hapless animals, are victims. But, to some extent, we humans can look after ourselves. We can learn and we can change since we aren’t entirely enslaved, whereas the domesticated animal is. Entirely. This is why vegans are calling for a stop to it all - because animals can’t defend themselves against human attack. Against human bullying.

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