Sunday, January 31, 2010

An escape tool

Communicating our message is made doubly tricky because we have to observe a non-pushy, non-violent approach at all times. As vegans we have to deal with potential recruits with what looks like passivity, so they don’t get put off.
We have to wait for permission from them. We have to have enough faith in people, to believe they’ll tell us when they’re ready to listen. The most efficient way this can happen is to start from scratch.
Vegans educating omnivores need to go back to basics, back to laboriously trawling through recipes and fact sheets about what happens to chickens in cages. Omnivores also need to go back to basics in order to untangle the misinformation they’ve swallowed. It’s humiliating for vegans and for omnivores. No one wants to be the schoolteacher here and no one wants to be taught like a school kid.
So much rubbish has been poured into our heads that we have to get rid of it to make room for new information. There’s so much to learn but to our advantage, to our rescue, has come an unexpectedly useful tool, the computer.
Maybe face-to-face instructors are now somewhat irrelevant. Perhaps it’s meant to be, and that’s how things are happening already. We don’t have to go to a teacher or the ‘authority’ for information. We can do that for ourselves. The computer opens the door to a DIY world. By referencing web sites, blogs, books, DVDs, etc., we are finding what we need, indeed what we need to make an escape.

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