Tuesday, September 19, 2017

The Cafe


The café is always open but it doesn’t sell cheap. We, at the café, are maybe not what we seem at first. Our windows are kept a little misty to keep them guessing what’s inside: we have a come-in-if-you-dare look about us.

We encourage people to enter our café that oozes delicious smells. This is no junk café. And we sell to young and old alike.

The best things in life are never obvious. It’s likely most people haven’t thought too much about veganism. They think only what they want to think, that vegans are simply diet freaks. But it’s deeper than food, health and animal issues, we’ve got something panacea-like going for us, and it doesn’t sell cheap. “Come in. Take a sample from this café. If you’re interested, come back tomorrow for more; we sell more than food”. Our café is always open.

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