Tuesday, September 1, 2015

The Most Vulnerable


At the moment, asylum seekers are in the news.  Hundreds of thousands are having to flee their home countries and seek refuge in foreign places.

Recently, we’ve just had a series of programmes on TV, here in Australia, on asylum-seekers.  It was called, “Go back to where you came from”.  A group of six went to live with refugees. Their initial hostility, along with many misconceptions, melted away as soon as they entered these people’s daily lives and got to know them.  There was a huge attitudinal shift in each member of the group.  Inevitably this has been a hot topic of conversation around dinner tables and in the media.  It’s been as much talked about as ‘Live Exports of Cattle’ - an interesting juxtaposition of two important stories.

In both programmes, the viewer comes away having learnt a lot from foreigners and about foreign cultures, whether from another human culture or from a non-human culture.  As soon as we come in close to any important issue, we start to see things very differently, especially how our earlier uncharitable views come to be much more charitable.

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