Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Ideals and our self-perpetuating energy - part two


Within ideals is an energy generator.  This has to be an imagined generator because I doubt if there's any concrete evidence for it (any more than there's evidence of 'ideals'!).  In this 'believed-in' generator, is a fuel processor.  A self-perpetuating-energy-generation unit.  On the physical plane, the heart pump circulates, cleans and renews the blood supply.  On a less-physical plane we might imagine that another pump exists.  It operates as an energy-circulating system.  It comes as part of the human package, that controls and produces a certain form of energy.  It might sound a bit quirky, yet the germ of this is probably what we all need for our journey through life.  It's nothing more than imaginary energy and an imaginary mood in which to use it.  But the canny thing about it is that it illustrates just how close certain opposites can be.  By tapping into a strong energy, like a 'cause'-energy or a 'repair'-energy, there's a distinct confluence of selfish and selfless.  It's where what does you good is also doing good somewhere else.

This (imagination-based) ‘energy-machine’ operates on the belief that: ‘the more energy you put out the more energy you get back'.  It could be put another way, 'the more energy you get from life, the more of it you want to put back'.

Vegans light up over that: because our cause involves the 'repair' of liberation.  On that liberation cause we want to spend much energy.  And that energy is gratefully received from those wonderful green foods we eat.  The longer you're vegan, the more you put into this sort of food, its preparation, until it's not only scrumptious but provides the best energy.

I presume this self-perpetuating energy-production-unit operates independent of the moral high ground. I hope so.  This sort of energy doesn't come from being good or inflicting self-punishment.  It's meant for fun, and not specifically for repairing.  But maybe that's the message: what we do, even if the off-shoot activity is repair-driven, must be fun.  'Self-perpetuating' happens when we're having fun.  However serious the activity.

Once upon a time, giving gifts and hospitality was regarded as a pure pleasure.  It wasn't offered for moral reasons, to help, for triage.  It's a bit different now - in this age of consciousness, with all the waste and cruelty of today.  We've, generations of us, have made so many mistakes.  Now we need an all-round fix up.  So, there's work to do.  And preferably with not-too-many mistakes.  We have ideals to keep us on the straight and narrow.  But, beyond the 'mistake-zone', the serious stuff, we should remember that ideals are for enhancing pleasure.

Pleasure.  Nah!  Back to the real world.  Whatever this is all about, it's still about business.  Making money.  Me making money for me.  For my survival.  Okay. 

But it has to be made without squeezing anything.  Becoming energised is nothing more than giving support to money-making schemes that aren't exploitative or resource-stealing.

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