Friday, August 14, 2015

Vegans starting out


When I decided to do something, to protest, to speak out, to become vegan, the first thing I noticed was that my own self esteem received a boost, and that felt good.  But then I made a mistake.  I thought others would notice what I'd done and want to follow suit.  But no, it ain’t necessarily so.  Just becoming vegan is all I was going to be able to do, at first, while waiting for the penny to drop with others.  
You can’t just go up to people and suggest they change.  There’s nothing simple about shifting a well established mind-set.  All I could do was wait, and let them come to their senses in their own time.  But who's got the patience, especially knowing that all those beautiful animals are being slaughtered to feed the mindless rush for meat and all the other animal-based stuff.  Nah, I couldn't resist, just as other vegans can’t resist, urging people to wake up.  It was a fruitless urging, as it turns out.

But it interests me that people insist so determinedly to stay asleep over animal issues.  Probably for safety reason?  When any of us first contemplated a vegan lifestyle we probably considered all the obstacles first - and until these were cleared up we weren't going to be persuaded to take such a radical step as 'going vegan'.  In my own case, I kept asking myself if it was safe? I eventually decided that it seemed to be safe enough.
That’s how most practising vegans start out.  They read, they talk, they question and conclude that the risk is worth taking.  In 1943, when all this started, it rested on a belief that one could physically survive on plants.  It sounded bizarre and dangerous at the time, but in hindsight we can see things more clearly.  We’ve made great advances in understanding nutrition, and we’ve been given lots of food choices which people didn’t have then.  Now the question we ask is what food and clothing can NOT be manufactured from plants?  Certainly egg white is valuable to the chef just as leather protects our feet in the rain but apart from that, what are the advantages of animal products?  And are these advantages worth torturing and killing millions of innocent animals?
The reason why vegan thinking and vegan eating and vegan clothing is so important is that vegans are showing others that physical survival is possible without recourse to animal exploitation.  Those of us on vegan diets, for instance, have found remarkable improvements in health and well being.  And the effect on the mind, the brain, the conscience and the soul are more than remarkable, if unprovable.
At first though, my experiments were glitch-ed.  My body and mind needed time to readjust and, on a social level, relationships needed time to acclimatise.  I had to work on various levels simultaneously, until things were running smoothly.  Vegan diets are not a complete panacea.  Food, however good it is, won’t necessarily bring us any closer to becoming a more loving person or to 'non-separating' from others.  But, for me, it did install the principle of non-violence into my thinking.  By avoiding all that nasty animal food, I was also avoiding the nastier side of my nature coming out, and allowing me to think of myself as non-complicit with daily acts of animal cruelty.

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