Sunday, February 22, 2015

Miracles start with fashion


All our best arguments for bringing about a non-violent society might inspire us, once we've decided to take the plunge and move away from unethical and empty foods.  And then find, after a while, that we're happy to be without it.  But it has to be experienced for oneself.  Just telling others how good it feels isn't enough to convince others.  Because this is largely a complaisant and self-indulgent society, most people think they can ignore the values enshrined in vegan principle.  They are attached to their favourite foods and WANT to ignore all this, even though the principle represents the most intelligent and compassionate path.

It might be thought to be laughable, that any of our as-yet-small number could persuade people to radically change their ways of eating.  (And that's if it were only food change).  Persuading others might seem almost impossible.  Almost, but not quite.  Over the past seventy years many people have adopted this ultimately non-violent principle, and in some parts of the world numbers are growing rapidly.  Surveys show that in parts of North America, up to 1% of the population is vegan. This increase is mainly amongst the younger-twenties generation.  So, if you happen to believe in miracles ...!

Change in human habit must start by setting a trend in fashionability.  And this begins with reasoning.  We need to include in our reasons for change, improvements in health, hope for the planet, for animals, for our own spiritual welfare.

The social kudos of being vegan can't be underestimated.  There might be ridicule and scorn, we might be ignored or even thought to be dangerous, but to ourselves, being vegan defines us in an important way.  Most of us lay great store on doing something we're proud of. It makes us seem less superficial.  And however negatively people think, we know there's a secret admiration there too.  Even though we might not ever get to mention why we are vegan, just abiding by a consistent set of personal rules denotes self-discipline and self-control.  This is something most people would envy.  It's rather like adopting a whole extra dimension to one’s life.

By taking on this level of challenge, by disregarding the temptation-power of so many foods and commodities, we can stand that much taller.  The sense of freedom that comes with it, makes us feel as though we can't be manipulated by the vested interests of the food and clothing industries.  We're not in league with those who profit from the misery of animals.  And apart from anything else, by not-buying expensive meat and dairy foods, woollens and leather products, it makes for great savings in the budget, and thus, wise-spending vegans should be financially far better off than our omnivore friends.

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