Saturday, July 9, 2011

A special type of non-exploitative energy


Our society admires people who get ahead, and that includes those who squeeze the land or the people or the animals, or anything else they call a ‘resource’. How they do it, this squeezing, isn’t usually seen. But the results are ... and the consumer very much appreciates the results. (Today, in the West, we’re so well resourced in every imaginable way).
The ‘admired ones’ are often loving people and kind to their families and friends ... but they nevertheless can be ruthless, concerning their source-of-income - what I’d see as the ‘advantage-takers’, these are the ones who’ve learnt to numb their feelings, and just ‘do it’ ... get on with making a living by way of enslaved animals. It’s ‘living-wages’ versus ideals here.
Their livelihood contradicts everything the idealist stands for. My rule number one is don’t get mixed up with anything or anyone involved in the cruelty trade ... and that includes all animal farming (and please let me know if there’s any non-cruel or non-abusive animal farming).
The pastoralist or the factory farmer can earn big money. Their businesses boost the country’s economy ... and these people, by dint of ‘feeding the masses’, are warmed by Society’s approval. In contrast the idealist is left out in the cold – given no encouragement and shown even less interest ... and that’s from pretty much everyone.
As yet, there are so few ‘idealist-animal-advocates’ that it’s open slather on the insulting-front - anyone can say anything and get away with it. I’m supposed to be a ‘bleeding heart’. It’s hard to take. But it’s not exactly a mortal blow.
As vegans we have a great advantage over those who aren’t, so why begrudge someone’s small pleasure in making fun of us? For them ... what is it? Perhaps a giggly, nervous, nagging guilt? I don’t know ... but for us, we have the advantage of having a special goal ... an idealist’s goal, with extra topping. It comes with an ever-inspiring energy, in the form of ‘guardian-consciousness’. Anyone can feel it. Anyone can use it. It’s the same for everyone ... like when we’re feeling protective towards children or forests. I feel it as a type of energy that ‘comes over me’ when I’m in a protective role. Anyway, whatever it is seems to compensate the idealist.
In our sad, ideal-poor Society, if you’re a non-idealist, if you don’t see stars in your children’s eyes or glory in the bushlands, then you’re not aware it even exists ...and it follows that you can’t miss what you haven’t had. If it’s not known to you ... if you don’t get it (the reasoning behind idealism) ... it’s likely you won’t ‘get’ why idealists work tirelessly for no obvious reward ... and seem to thrive on it.
Idealism’s not so very different to being selfish. However, it’s far enough away to see the prospect of another sort of energy, full of motivation-factor, and a self-perpetuating one at that.
I’ll attempt to explain: This energy. This energy is a bit too lofty for some people ... they think it leads to arrogance ... and very true, it does. Seeing myself as an idealist I could easily disappear up my own fundament ... but that wouldn’t be because of ideals themselves. They’re golden. They’re the stuff of life. In my own (fantastically, socially-isolating world of) idealism, I have one wish, a selfish wish. That I’ll always perhaps-foolishly see better things ahead. Isn’t idealism merely the up-take of pro-active, harmlessness-centred human activity. It could lead to perfection or it could lead to ‘repair’. Same thing really ...?
Whew! All this altruistic, idealistic talk is making me thirsty. I need a drink ...
One nutshell of an idea, a germ within a simple ideal is a machine, with its own, inbuilt, self-perpetuating, energy production unit ... and I’ve got one and you’ve got one and we’ve all got one ... and it’s at our immediate disposal (no training needed). It’s a machine which is suitable for travelling to ... well, I’m not quite sure where, but I do know it’s a very handy sort of energy to have and to use. It was probably invented by humans for humans ... and the design for this ‘energy-machine’ must have come from: ‘the more energy you put out the more energy you get back ... or, the more energy you get from life the more of it you want to put back’.
I suspect this machine (or energy) operates independently. It has nothing to do with being good, or with making money, or inflicting self-punishment. It’s designed specifically not for repair but for fun ... and if used beyond the mistake-zone of waste or cruelty then it IS pleasure itself. And the energy for this machine is a particular energy. You can get it from, for instance, any money-making scheme which isn’t exploitative.

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