Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Ah! The sadness of it all


Vegan living is a significant answer to a lot of difficult questions. For those who go vegan, it's exhilarating. We've come out of an imposed mind-set. And now we realise the extent of the subjugation of animals and foresee their liberation. Our exploring pays off in that way. However, we’re sad. We're still unable to get over the sadness of incarcerating animals. And we have to live amongst people who are shut off from their own feelings in that way, in order that they can continue what they've always done, eat and enjoy animal foods and wear animal-based clothing.

These days, people don’t have to be well educated on the subject to know what happens to farmed animals. Nor what is happening to their own health by eating them. But perhaps the saddest thing of all this is that otherwise kind and intelligent people are allowing themselves to be duped, if not by the animal industries then by their inner, craving voices that won't leave them alone. The upshot - we are being forced to shut off our 'enlightened' side so we can continue enjoying products from the 'dark' side.

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