Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Obstinacy giving way to change

Change happens only when we have a majority who wants change.  An essential part of that change involves standing apart from the corrupt system, and in doing so, helping to send animal-exploiting businesses broke.

We’re looking at changes to the law instigated by fashion change.  And that has to happen initially in people’s food preferences because that is where the most damage is being done, both to ourselves and to the billions of animals involved.  It’s only a ‘yuck-factor’ that will put animal foods on the nose.  Once the balance tips away from the animal dependency, so animal foods will become expensive and then largely unavailable - plant-based foods will push ‘the other stuff’ off the shelves.

Perhaps an ethical shift will take place, but that will come about in part because for us in ‘the West’ we have enough arable land to make the growing of plant foods viable.  Then the choice to be vegetarian will be that much more realistic.

Obviously there are some communities around the world who are solely dependent upon animal foods for their survival because they simply can’t grow enough crops to sustain them - the Inuit, or the desert people or highlanders or islanders might have no suitable soil, so morally they may have a case to argue.  But most ‘Western’ populations aren’t restricted in that way.  In the fertile lands, where there is access to abundant plant foods, people can flourish.

Once people get used to moving away from traditional habits of animal farming and meat-eating, they’ll find no reason to poison their bodies with animal protein or suffer the shame of killing and exploiting animals for food and clothing.

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