Thursday, June 26, 2014

Setting the stage


There’s so much waste and cruelty and so much done against the greater good, that it might make you want to despair.  But it can also quicken the importance of the work that has to be done - giving urgency to the work of repairing rivers, forests and habitats, as well attitudes to animals.
Vegans, having somewhat cleaned up their act, by shaking off their cruelty-violence-‘shadow’, they can contribute meaningfully towards the transition to a peaceful future.  A vegan, in seeing the beauty of animals and Nature, and wanting to do them no harm, would also be trying to come closer to people, especially those who hold different views from us.

We have to lead by example, even if that means taking on the sort of discipline that keeps us separated from others. But as different as the look of our lifestyle might be, there is still no reason to think there’s any essential separation from others (of different persuasion). It’s tempting to be disapproving of them, but the last thing we need is anyone disliking vegan principle because they dislike the vegan who introduces the idea.  We wouldn’t want the bathwater to be thrown out with the baby.

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