Thursday, May 15, 2014

The cage


The first cage system was built to house egg-laying hens.  They’d become victim of their own menstrual cycle.  In order to mass produce her powerful protein package for humans, flock numbers were greatly increased and each individual animal was locked into a tiny cage (with one or two or three others), in which she lays an egg a day.  Massive numbers of eggs at minimum cost revolutionised food production at the cost of abandoning welfare considerations.  Here was the application of industrial-mechanised processes to the treatment of animals.  If the ‘caging system’ was an emergency response to wartime-conditions, it was a measure taken at a time when many other terrible things were happening.  Its introduction was barely noticed.

The system was based on having batteries of cages in rows, tier upon tier of them, acting as life-imprisonment cages - the hen had been reduced to an egg-producing machine, giving rise to the concept of ‘speciesism’.

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