Tuesday, October 15, 2013

A small world on a grand scale


We all live in a global village now, having family-like associations with fellow humans, wherever they are, and with other beings too. This is the age of relationship-awareness. It comes about through increased empathy.
We now have easy access to information. We can social-network, to find out how others are thinking. We are taking on big issues. We’re upping our empathy for non-human species, for environment and for victims of social injustice. There’s a heightening of sensitivity and, in accordance, a changing of lifestyle habits.
In every way, what we’re seeing today is a heightening of empathy and sensitivity. By being vegan, thinking vegan and supporting things outside our anthropocentric interest zone, it’s good for the soul; in other words, it’s a good feeling being empathetic. It’s what a parent can feel when protecting a child who is weak or inexperienced.
In this Western world there is none weaker than domesticated animals. Billions of them are standing there right now, on hard concrete floors or in wire mesh cages, instead of freely roaming across the earth and forest floor. And billions more, fish, no longer swimming free. Humans have manipulated the free-ranging of animals on a massive scale, and degraded the land and oceans beyond recovery. The social injustice of that is mind boggling. That’s why Animal Rights is such a great cause to be involved with.

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