Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Consistency and fun


Our primary act of ‘consistency’ is in our own vegan-living, obviously. You can’t be much use to animals if you still ingest them! But the next consistency is in taking on the world, over this one thing – not-using-animals. Being highly consistent in this, vegans are in a very good position to take on and outwit ‘the exploiters’.
Outwitting them should be easy enough since omnivores find it hard to justify animal abuse. But we have a reputation to overcome, that of taking ourselves too seriously and being needy for approval. Obviously, waiting for recognition from omnivores is a big waste of time.
But assuming a vegan does hold respect for people no matter who they are. That doesn’t disempower us – we can still tease them mercilessly with the minimum of harm being done. It’s actually fun advocating the animals’ case, if only by seeing the bewildered looks on people’s faces when we spell out the simple reasons that give ‘vegan’ sense.  

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