Monday, February 4, 2013

A tough job for vegans


Veganism isn’t just about food, it’s an idea, only part of which concerns food. Getting people to adopt a vegan diet isn’t the end aim. It simply allows us to look at vegan principle without being knocked back by our own food practices. This principle logically gives rise to the diet, and that gives rise to the boycott that leads to an entirely changed view of how humans might interact with the animal kingdom. Giving people advice simply about vegan diet isn’t necessarily going to change them as people. Omnivores need something inspiring and completely rational to convince them to get rid of ‘certain habits’.
Almost all of us have been brought up with specific ideas about food, regarding the safety of it and to some extent that includes an ethical angle; we wouldn’t, for instance, eat whales or pate de foie gras, it would outrage us. But all the rest of it, which is still fashionable to eat, the omnivore will eat. And eat and eat and eat until addicted. And then getting supplies becomes more important than anything else.
We, as vegans, mustn’t underestimate how much we are pushing the omnivore’s most sensitive buttons. As advocates we need to understand the logic of an omnivore mind, ‘why they eat the foods they do’, ‘why they believe in these foods’, ‘why they like the taste of them, the feel of them slipping past taste buds into their stomach, and therefore why their very life depends on supply.
Vegans might have to be determined advocates if the omnivore population is going to be swung over.

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