Friday, January 7, 2011

How appealing - a lover!

An animal advocate, fighting the cause of Animal Rights, has a life-long objective, some might call it an obsession.
Such an aim as living by vegan principle is, like having a lover, good company. It’s a cause, an ultimate source of satisfaction, an intimate tester of our own shortfalls, a source of confidence and it fills our lives with meaning. The testing bit we may nor like at first, but, like the true lover, it is concerned for our long-term education. To have such a mighty aim calls for changes in one’s personal life, which sets off a sequence of events perhaps unnerving at first. The sequence obviously starts with food and vegan principle, and this goes on to signal a major turning point in our life. But as we go deeper into it all, our ‘going vegan’ leads us into a more natural life. We ‘go’ more with Nature and then towards a love of Nature.
With animal liberation in mind the whole journey starts with a private diet. And by being more in keeping with Nature we find ways of making our vegan lifestyle appealing, first to ourselves and then, by talking about it, to others too. By showing ourselves to be happy with all these changes and then to go on to feeding people (with the sort of food we eat, vegan food), we make it appealing to the public mind.

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