Friday, February 26, 2010

Sucked in

When we work to protect the rights of animals we also barrack for people. There’s an interest in the quality of life each has. There’s no cold-hard attitude here but an indefinable quality indicating a breadth of interest that often shows up as a talent for interacting with others. Maybe we call him or her a ‘people-person’. Their interest is in making things flow smoothly.
Now it would be good if all these sensitive humans, ‘people-persons’, transferred some of their ‘people-attitude’ to the objects they use. The objects might say “thanks mate” if they could speak. But whether they can speak or not, or whether they have a being of their own or not isn’t the question here. It’s about a consistent attitude to every interaction we ever have, with animate and inanimate, that is the training ground for things to come. What diverts us from all this useful progress is misinformation, hubris and a reluctance to realise that we’ve been taken in. We’ve been made fools of, especially in regard to animals and so it’s with animals that we can make a useful start to reverse it.

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