Thursday, February 4, 2010

Solitary confinement

In our quest to educate others we need to take care of ourselves at the same time. If we’re not careful our much valued veganism can isolate us. We know it’s our source of inner power, but at present we’re alone in this. Effectively we have been marginalised and are being silenced. Vegans are more alone than other 99%’ers since we’ve taken it upon ourselves to express our dissatisfaction with the status quo. Plus we encourage others to leap into the void with us, which is probably why people are afraid of what we’re trying to tell them and what we want them to think about.
Meanwhile the manipulating of the truth goes on, unabated. The 1%’ers are pushing in the opposite direction, towards less thinking and more spending. Not surprisingly they are winning, since they’ve been building their networks for thousands of years. They’ve cornered the market, which means they’ve addicted most people to the things they want to sell them. In theory, we ‘99%ers’ needn’t succumb in the way we do. We’d rise up against the general world of crap commodities, food or otherwise … if we were united. But we are each in our own corner. We’ll never think for ourselves let alone unite until we’re at least free of ‘the pit’.
Using unscrupulous methods, the 1%’ers get what they want because they know the 99%’ers are not united in opposition to them … and that’s because we’re united in favour of their products. We’re hooked mainly on thousands of individual animal products which we buy over and over again. The bare faced misinformation concerning animal foods and animal farming methods, keeps us in the dark and keeps us therefore spending our money enthusiastically. But as new information comes to light, the penny drops.
Sooner or later we come to realise why we are (most of us) so chronically unwell. The causes are becoming obvious. Vegetarian foods and diets are already being tried by those who are getting themselves better-informed. As the ethical dimensions of the arguments grow more obvious, alongside health rationales, more people are moving towards veganism. Once many do, changes will start to show up in our society.

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