Monday, February 8, 2016

Ah! But the sadness


Vegan-living is a big answer to a lot of difficult questions. Our exploring has paid off. But we’re as sad as hell.

It’s not much comfort discovering a solution when there’s no likelihood of others appreciating it, for then it simply remains a comfort to the discoverer but to few others. And if that discovery represents a liberation for enslaved animals, it's no help to them if the humans who keep them locked up haven’t been convinced, as we have.

How do we get over the sadness of the situation of exploited animals? We live amongst people who are so shut off from their own compassion that they can’t empathise with the farm animals, if only because their lack of empathy conveniently allows them to eat and enjoy animal foods.

These days we don’t have to be well educated on the subject to know what happens to those animals. We vegans might feel sad at the thought of this, but we should be equally sad for the human who is shutting off their 'enlightened' side so that they can enjoy those food and clothing products which issue from the dark side.

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