Sunday, July 5, 2015

Is it too risky to back veganism?


The big break-through on Animal Rights will probably come when veganism is taken as seriously as global warming and global food shortages. 

The biggest exacerbation of violence comes with the human support of animal slaughter.  The beginning of the end to global violence must start by ending of the imprisonment and killing of animals.   There’s always going to be a doubt about Animal Rights having anything to do with final solutions, but logically it’s comprehensive non-violent approach is a bit too obvious for most people to digest.
Perhaps vegans have to deliver their message nonetheless.  This ethic of not-touching-animals is impossible to water down, since it’s to do with promoting a non-violent attitude to everything we do, and we do a lot of animal violence in our human society.  If veganism is ever to become attractive, it will be for the way it represents the bigger picture and not because it gives us any easy answers.

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