Thursday, August 14, 2014

Pass the biscuits


If we can’t drop animal products how can we be peacemakers?  When we go shopping for animals or sit down to eat them we encourage the assault on them.  We waste our own chances of happiness, having this perpetually on our conscience.  We waste the happiness of the animals too.  From their point of view, we humans are their only hope.  If some of us aren’t willing to defend them, they’re lost.  By buying slaughterhouse products we effectively play a central role in the slaughterhouse process.

The production of the egg has come to represent the worst of this violence, in the form of mass consumer compliance.  By taking no notice of the ingredient lists on packaging, when I buy a packet of biscuits, made with ingredients that include egg, I’m complaint with the caging of hens.  As a biscuit eater I might not want to know about egg-laying hens and their circumstances, only wanting something as simple as ‘a biscuit’.  But whether I know the ingredients’ background or not, the fact is my biscuit contains something that can’t be justified.  The egg used in the biscuit recipe undoubtedly comes out of the battery system.  The biscuit manufacturer isn’t concerned about using ethical raw materials.

Egg production – most people wouldn’t approve of the current system, not up-front anyway.  But if an egg is used and we buy it in whatever form, we compromise what, otherwise, has made us into caring people.  How pathetic, to be seduced by a biscuit! 

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