Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Outrage Isn't Enough


If outrage isn’t a cool image, what is? I’m not sure, personally, that I could even attempt to answer that question because when it comes to animals being attacked, I’m not really in control of my emotions. I won’t flinch at watching footage of animal cruelty. I hate to see it but I’ve seen so much of it, and I know it underlines the rotten core in many humans. And yet, this ‘outrage’ I feel is a trap, as it is for many vegan animal advocates.  

It interferes in our speaking about this subject. All important is how forgiving we are, and how much we respect other humans. It isn’t just about animals. When we speak, we can create great waves of trust and promise, as long as we don’t pounce.  

Communication has to be a long and patient process. We might think we are natural speakers, and do a lot of emailing, writing, telephoning, to connect this vegan message to people. But how do we protect people from fearing us as preachy and threatening and evangelical? So often, we don’t reach the point where we make it feel ‘safe’ for omnivores to listen to us. They can’t protect themselves from us except by running away.

Omnivores need to trust that we won’t ‘turn’ on them, crush them or make fools of them.

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