Friday, July 15, 2016

An egg for breakfast


There’s a belief that eggs produced by free-ranging hens come from happy hens. For sure, they’re probably happier than their sisters in cages, but when they become no longer economically viable they go to the same cruel deaths as their caged sisters.

A 'vegetarian' friend of mine, who still eats eggs, reckons she pays twice the price for her free range eggs. And because these eggs cost more to produce, it’s the ‘battery egg’ which is used in commercial food products that contain egg.

So if you're against the battery system but have just bought a food item with egg in its ingredients, which of course you could have read before purchase, then you aren't against the battery system at all. Likewise, if you love animals and you eat them, you can't say you 'love' animals. You're either true to yourself or you're not. It's the simplest of choices.  

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