Tuesday, January 5, 2016

What is Effort?


Edited by CJ Tointon
Is there a gratitude factor? If so, is it vital for growth?
Isn't any growth just a matter of give and take;
Taking what's on offer, but remembering to give back?
Appreciation is part of gratitude.
It's good for the giver to be appreciated.
But if gratitude doesn't come freely and willingly;
And things are too much of an effort,
Intentions fail. No effectiveness. No satisfaction.

Any benefits for me, from my 'acts of goodness', might come with strings attached.
Instead of benefits flowing out of generosity, they're begrudged. There's a need for 
reward. An expectation, even entitlement. And when it isn't there, there are feelings
of resentment. In future, I'll 'ration out' my acts of goodness.

The desire to give back develops altruism; 
Which expects nothing but gets everything.
The mystery is how to do the right thing and enjoy doing it;

Whilst not mixing up the greater good with feelings of resentment.

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