Friday, August 29, 2014

Perception walls


Trying to alter a person’s perception by ignoring their free-will is like attacking a security safe with a toffee hammer. If you want to open the door, it’s better if you know the combination, and there is no easy way to get through when there’s resistance. It comes down to a basic perception of what animals are (and are for). Domesticated animals are usually seen as valuable resources. It’s morally-okay to ignore the quality of their lives and the conditions in which they live, and to slaughter them for food. The opposite perception is that these same animals are sovereign individuals that should never be harmed for any reason. It might be that ‘your’ view and ‘my’ view are poles apart.

So, if I attempt to break through your perception walls and you won’t let me, where do we go from there? You will do as you will, even though keep pushing you to change. No progress is made. And that’s exactly how animal-eaters will want it to be, with the status quo preserved.

If, however, you’re already questioning how animals are treated, if you’re ready to make changes in your perception, that’s an entirely different matter. However, you could be so easily put off by ‘animal rights activists’ themselves, not by the way we see animals but by a righteousness that seems like a simmering hostility to anyone who doesn’t agree.

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