Thursday, December 19, 2013

How to avoid mental health issues – part three


People who eat animal products are probably struggling with an addiction to them; they aren’t eating them for their nutritive value, although many believe that they are not quite poisonous. If one takes the time to look at these foods objectively, it doesn’t take too long to see the harm they do. And physically, their effects on our bodies, once recognised, once they are no longer used, as the ‘poisons’ drain from the body, then the cravings lessen. As days go by, the addiction weakens and the need for self-discipline is no longer an issue. In other words, the difficulty of giving up foods, which we once thought we couldn’t do without, lessens.
            Once this addiction problem is dealt with, we no longer see ‘animals’ as an amorphous group of clones. They become sovereign individuals. And then it’s just a short step to seeing them as irreplaceable, close friends  in that they’re sentiently-close to humans; they’re not ‘un-persons’, as Negroes or Jews were once seen by our less enlightened predecessors.

Isn’t it in the very nature of addiction that we shield ourselves from the truth about the addictive substance, in order to guarantee the supply of it? It’s a give-and-take deal we strike with the Animal Industries, our mass complicity with them bringing about the mass assault on animals. It’s probably the most insane thing humans have ever done, to give up so much of our birthright for so little. We say, “I can’t imagine life without milk in my coffee”, “My dear, life without lobster …”. Strange to think that our sanity and general health will let us ‘get away’ with this attack on our body and conscience every day. 

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