Sunday, November 4, 2012

Soft we are, and not judging


The hard-bastard human is not typical. We are mostly softies talking to softies. None of us, vegan or omnivore, would deliberately hurt anything. People are NOT violent by nature, none of us deliberately sets out to hurt for fun unless we’re psychopathically disturbed. It’s impossible for a sane person to inflict suffering on a sentient life form (animal or human). What would make us do such a thing?
            But this is where we are torn. We think we have to inflict hurt to eat. We attempt to ameliorate our guilt by having someone else do the hurting for us.
            What happened to humans?
            It must have started somewhere (maybe a couple of million years ago, maybe more recently), the brainwashing or manipulation of instinct that allows us to do the soul-crushing things we do to the animals we eat.             Worse, we let others do our dirty work for us, so that we don’t have to look at an animal’s frightened eyes, before its execution. So deep is our addiction to eating them that we go along with it all.
            Most people are softies at heart. And just as we can’t hurt creatures neither would we hurt people (unless in self-defence). Hunters do it and find pleasure in it, but these days, where it’s not done to avoid hunger it’s done for the rush the hunter gets from the kill. Most of us however wouldn’t find any pleasure in this. We may have some level of violence in us but at heart we’re soft, we’re wired up that way. Violence is appropriate to thunderstorms and earthquakes, not to human behaviour.

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