Sunday, April 24, 2011

Signing off on this blog

A friend of mine in England, who I correspond with regularly, emailed me and said it was strange that I hadn't signed off on the blog, but just stopped it on March 11th. He's right. So, that's what I must do now.

I've been posting this blog, every day, for two and a half years but not getting response assumed no one was reading it.

I've enjoyed writing the blog - it's been completely exhausting of course but it has certainly helped me clarify my ideas. I quite suddenly decided right out of the blue to end it. It was a spur-of-the-moment decision. These past six months I've been sprucing up about 600 of the blogs into book form and will be for another few months yet. It did seem sensible to stop the daily postings. Once the book is finished and 'on-line' (I can't afford to print it)I may resume it.

I'm not concerend if anyone reads it really, although I'd be interested to know if anyone ever has. Mainly it's been such a stimulating thing to be doing. It has been its own reward. Having put out probably over 200,000 words on this subject, over a couple of years, I think I've probably said enough anyway.
Best wishes
David Horton

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