Sunday, March 6, 2011


Friday 4th March 2011
Of course, it’s easy enough now, with hindsight, to see how a dramatic diet improvement can be carried out - the obvious advantages of a vegan diet - but back then … hey but “back then” is of course “now” for most people; to them a vegan feeding system hasn’t happened yet. They know nothing of this ‘sequence’ of events, the logic that has brought others towards a plant-based eating regime.
As I see it, the sequence of events leading up to The Inevitable Vegan-fed Future goes something like this. Traditional, mainly plant-based foods were eaten, then hunting became successful, then everything food- wise became much easier, then food was plentiful, and that’s where (with people eating more, growing fatter, getting sicker and yet still remaining alive) we are today. Not much else has happened. We eat, get fat and ill and after eighty suffering years we die. Vegan food revolutionises all of that because the body thrives on plant-based food.
It doesn’t work the way a traditional food does. It’s lighter in more ways than one. It transforms on various levels: making us physically stronger, mentally brighter, more vital, plus it’s important to know that the food’s less expensive; it makes us feel less guilty and less slothful, and so on. But you needn’t believe me; you just need to try it. I think the phrase is: “see for your self”.

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