Saturday, March 6, 2010

A conversation

Each fact about animals, upon which vegan principle is based, can be a bomb shell. Guaranteed to start a fire and ignite a scene. Why? Because that fact which a vegan might point out probes attitudes too deeply for comfort. People are afraid of getting tangled up in awkward situations, and veganism IS an awkward situation.
Each proffered fact (often uninvited or unwanted) suggests a polite response. Usually in the form of a question. Usually it’s impossible to continue a conversation if it gets too ominous, as if being lured into a conversation-trap, where we’re either going to end up looking like a fool or a complete bastard.
So, here are the obvious two questions.
· Are humans more entitled to be free than animals?
· Are animals (including human animals) more entitled to consideration than inanimate objects?

We could study that (fascinatingly) all evening but what I’m emphasising is what is happening in a conversation between you and me. Facts are one thing, your feelings about me talking to you about Animal Rights is another.

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