Thursday, December 17, 2009

“To do”

The wicked 1%’ers do know what they’re doing; however they ‘do’ without moral constraint. They know the consequences but do it all the same. They act wickedly because their fear of standing alone is so great whereas 99%’ers fear the guilt. They fear doing things wrong. Maybe it’s a superstitious fear of being clobbered by karma or by God, but it comes down to a dread of feeling guilty. For 99%’ers self-punishment of guilt is worse than being homeless.
1%’ers are cold, hard bastards so there’s no problem being ‘wicked’. For them failure to make big money is the important sin. They say “if it works, go for it, whatever it takes”. They don’t have dilemmas about morality and certainly not with regard to using animals as a resource. There’s no indecision concerning the way money is made. For 99%’ers it’s not that simple. It is a “moral” struggle. We often use food products to relieve the monotony and stresses of life. We can’t afford to look too closely at our “comfort” foods, not too consciously anyway, and that very blurring compromises our chances for achieving personal growth. If the contents of our foods doesn’t wreck our bodies then the avoidance of the ugly origins of our foods will play havoc with our sense of reality, concerning our part in the massacre of the animals.

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