Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Give and take

If we want to develop a better world and gain some personal happiness in the process we have to inject wisdom and compassion into our daily decisions. Vegan principle embodies both. Being vegan is a major statement of compassion and as the years roll by the wisdom of being vegan becomes more apparent. So, it’s no wonder that long time vegans leap at the chance to introduce the idea of vegan principle to whoever will listen. Trouble is people aren’t wanting to listen, but when you find someone genuinely wanting to find out, then vegans can tell them. But it’s important to note that we shouldn’t do it evangelically or boastfully but simply because we want others to gain from what we know about it. Behind vegan lifestyle there is a principle which is both sensible and kind.
If there were one force that combined both wisdom and compassion it would be altruism. Not the idealised notion of it that gets so much bad press but a quiet, personal, utterly satisfying drive; that when one initiates good for others it’s also good for oneself. By putting the pursuit of one’s own happiness on hold for a while one may pursue the much less self-interested goal of looking out for others. Not necessarily easy, but by being altruistic we deliberately avoid living a self indulgent life and make it more robust and adventurous.
The one very practical central start is vegan principle. A few times every day we makes choices about our daily foods, clothes and commodities. According to vegan principle we choose commodities basic to our needs but which don’t steal from the needs of others. Once we get that right we’ve the grounding for self-respect, and from there we gain confidence and fulfilment.
Maybe it seems a rather roundabout route, making our lives seem so edgy, but this way we’re more likely to understand the mysteries of life and the subtleties of altruism. The give and take lets us realise that we can benefit ourselves whilst benefitting others.

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