Saturday, February 21, 2009

Manipulating the conscience

Despite the fact our favourite foods give us pleasure, they should also weigh heavily on our conscience, alongside other things we do that do damage. We waste and pollute and perhaps we feel guilty but how much guilt can a person handle? All the things we got used to, which are now known to be damaging. We adjust our lifestyle and try to be greener or kinder or thriftier. We’ve tuned our conscience into the political correctness of the day. And now we’re all ‘signed up’ we can’t spare any more room for improvement. There’s nowhere in our conscience for animals! For many of us we create a sort of numbness when we think of animals suffering, and we try to pretend that none of it matters. But it obviously does. Most particularly to the animals themselves. Our eating habits have denied them a life. They are kept alive only to be eaten or to have their body products eaten or worn. They live in a state of perpetual terror and die the most ugly death anyone could imagine. We may say it is “outrageous” but we still allow it to happen.
By continuing to spend our money on animal products, we participate in the whole process. We might try to ignore it so we can relax at our table and eat what’s on our plate, but we are ruled by our habits - minds shut, mouths open. We’ve been manipulated and believe it is all too difficult to break out of.

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