Sunday, January 18, 2009

Explosive material

What we say must, in part, be attractive. And then the punter will be able to bear the weight of all the other important things we’re telling them. Maybe this is the first time these things have ever entered their heads – the possibility of a totally plant-based food regime which involves no cruelty to animals. Whatever business we have with other people, kids or adults, we are but ghosts in their world of independent thought – it’s they who eventually decide to join a growing number of impassioned animal activists, when they are ready.
This subject is so emotionally charged, so deeply connected with daily habits, that any talk of ‘animals’ can make people feel immediately embarrassed for being in the wrong. Although proud of being sensitive, cool, intelligent and likeable, what vegans are saying can explode a few self-myths and puncture self image, by alluding to double standards. As vegans, we need to show support and mix it into the information we provide. Vegans aren’t supposed to be shame merchants. And we shouldn’t try to boost our ego with an inflated sense of our own specialness.

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