Thursday, December 11, 2008

Obstinacy giving way to change

When it happens, or rather when the majority make it happen by sending animal businesses broke, we’ll probably see changes come about rapidly; changes that seem so clear because there aren’t any exemptions; not so much a legal change as much as a fashion change; The ‘yuck’ factor playing a prominent part; animal foods on the nose; outside the black market animal food is no longer available; plant based foods push ‘the other stuff’ off the shelves. It could all happen this way for us in ‘the West’.
The country we live in, if we’re lucky enough to have some arable land, allows us the choice to be vegetarian, indeed completely herbivore. Obviously there are communities who are solely dependent upon animal foods for their survival, so morally they may have a case to argue. But over 90% of the world’s population are not living as the Inuit do, or the dessert dwellers, or the highlanders or islanders, where plants can’t be grown for food. We in the fertile lands have access to plant foods and can flourish on them (as societies have done, healthily, down through the ages). The relative ‘cleanness’ of plant food over animal food is so evident that why anyone would need to poison their body with sub-standard food is a mystery. Or why anyone would choose to live with so much shame, that’s an even bigger mystery.

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